sábado, 29 de enero de 2011

Málaga in the 60s

Ángel Luis Díez López 3º ESO B

There was an industrial growth in Málaga in the 60s. Also the services grew. And the most important one: our economy was opened to the rest of the countries. Foreign people were investing in our country and in our town. And the people that lived in the villages went to the cities to improve their lives. This was the most important fact in our economy. The agriculture was more modern too!

In my city, Málaga there was a tourist development. English, German and French people came here. The "boom" of Torremolinos was very important. People bought houses in this town.

People were not literate and only could study those who had got money. Those who did not attend school, worked in the tourism. This caused many people to emigrate to other countries. Unemployment, lack of opportunity and misery forced to thousands of people from Málaga to go abroad in search of a better world. Emigration was an option to find employment in Germany, Holland... Many of these emigrants returned to Málaga later on, while others took root in cities that host them. France and Germany were the main destinations of these emigrants. Those who migrated learnt a new language, new customs... The main objective of the emigrants was raising money to settle. The train station of Málaga was the place where many emigrants began their trips. But no only Europe was the culmination of the people of Málaga. Australia also received them.

In those years, there were some very important singers: John Coltrane, Jimi Hendrix... And in my city, there was a very important movement: the "Beatlemania". Everybody heard the songs of this band.

In 60s, the sales of cars and televisions increased. Also improved healthcare. There were improvements in Franco's regime too. There were new patterns of social relationships and new patterns of relationship between the sexes.

The dresses showed more skin and curves. Mary Quant, stunned the world with the miniskirt. Hot pants arose. The typical costume pajamas or shorts were essential to look at fashion parties. Men grow their hair long and you could see many beards and sideburns there. Also in men's fashion colors were bright polyester pants and turtleneck sweaters.

A Spatial movement appears with a futuristic and minimalist approach. The designers were inspired by pop art, and there was the fashion boom "unisex".

These are the most important things that happened in the 60s in Málaga when our high school Nuestra Señora de la Victoria was built.

martes, 25 de enero de 2011

Burns' Day in Scotland

24th January was the worst day of the year, someone said. Nevertheless, there are many people who will have a great time on 25th January.

Today is Burns day in Scotland. It commemorates the life of the poet Robert Burns, who was born on January 25, 1759.

Tonight will be the time of eating Scottish delicacies such as Scotch broth, cock-a-leekie soup or potato soup, accompanied by Scottish Oat Bread. Haggis, sheep liver, heart and lungs together with oatmeal boiled in broth. Neeps, turnips, and tatties. They will toast with a good Scotch whiskey and will finally sing Burns´ poem auld lang syne, you will recognize the song from the films, people always sing it on New Year's Eve

lunes, 24 de enero de 2011

Cat Stevens, Yusuf Islam. The same singer, the same song, the same dream: PEACE

Cat Stevens, Yusuf Islam. The same singer, the same song, the same dream: PEACE

Luiza Lozano

domingo, 16 de enero de 2011

50 years ago in Málaga...

This year we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of our building in Nuestra Señora de la Victoria. It would be interesting to remember what happened in Málaga at that time to have a complete view of the situation.

I propose you a task: find out what Málaga was like in the 60s.

You can ask your grandparents, go to a library, search in Internet, or talk to your teachers (specially to Mr Jiménez, he knows a lot about Málaga).

There are many subjects you can choose: economy, politics, education, family life, music, fashion, neighbourhoods...

That is, you can write about Francisco García Grana, mayor in 1960; the tram; Pepa Flores versus Marisol; or the Princess Ira Von Fürstenberg's first husband, Prince Alfonso of Hohenlohe-Langenburg and their house in Marbella...

Start working and talk to your teacher of English to publish it here.

jueves, 13 de enero de 2011

¿Conoces Málaga?

Desde el Departamento de Ciencias Sociales te invitamos a demostrarlo. Aquí tenéis treinta imágenes de la ciudad: edificios civiles y religiosos, fuentes, algún puente, estatuas de personajes ilustres de la ciudad, quizás un mercado, un extraño nombre en el muro y hasta un particular
negocio centenario. Todas son imágenes del centro de la ciudad –o de camino desde el Instituto- y están a pie de calle. Localizarlas e identificarlas puede ser una verdadera tarea de observación e investigación. ¿Te atreves? ¿O es que no conoces Málaga?

Ver presentación en formato GRANDE.
Ver CARPETA de imágenes para poder observarlas de una en una.
José Francisco Jiménez Trujillo