martes, 29 de junio de 2010
Fin de curso
Sirvan estas palabras para despedir el curso escolar, desearos un merecido descanso y manifestar mi agradecimiento a todas aquellas personas que han colaborado en esta experiencia.
miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010
San Juan in Málaga

If you were born in Málaga, then you are used to this peculiar celebration on June 23rd. Nevertheless, you could understand that people from other countries find it very odd to see so many people rushing into the sea at midnight. If you want to explain all we do to all those interesting foreigners you may meet this summer, you will find this vocabulary and expressions very useful.
San Juan in Málaga
On the beaches of Malaga it's common to see people jumping over fires which, according to legend, cleanse the body and the soul. Jumping in the sea at midnight is supposed to be a way to wash away evil spirits.
After midnight, people wash their faces and feet three times in order to be granted three wishes and for a happy twelve months thereafter. Bathing at this time is also said to be beneficial for skin complaints. Traditionally, the Spanish did not visit the beach until this day in each year.
As well as the bonfires that burn continuously, there are also muñecos or dolls that are burnt. This is usually done around midnight. Originally, the effigies were supposed to represent Judas Iscariot but now the dolls are made up to represent local or national personalities who are famous (or sometimes infamous). The burning of these effigies is supposed to bring good luck.
Depending where you experience San Juan, you might find yourself almost entranced by the spectacle. In some places, hundreds upon hundreds of fires dot the coastline. The smell of smoke permeates the air and there is a feeling of camaraderie that crosses age, culture, and background.
Purify and enjoy!
Have a great summer and practice your English meeting new friends, see you in September!
Lola Galán,
San Juan,
The English Corner
jueves, 3 de junio de 2010
Si se aburre haga un puzzle
La Dirección del Centro nos pasa una actividad entre lúdica y educativa de las muchísimas que cada día va apareciendo en la web.
En este caso estamos hablando de hacer puzzles en la pantalla, manejando el ratón, usando para ello referencias artísticas, arquitectónicas, históricas,.. etc.
Asi que ya sabe si se aburre haga un puzzle
Para ver cómo funciona haga clic sobre una de las imágenes.
En este caso estamos hablando de hacer puzzles en la pantalla, manejando el ratón, usando para ello referencias artísticas, arquitectónicas, históricas,.. etc.
Asi que ya sabe si se aburre haga un puzzle
Para ver cómo funciona haga clic sobre una de las imágenes.

Daniel Martín,
martes, 1 de junio de 2010
Should Bachillerato students be allowed to leave the High School during break time?

Recently, many High Schools have banned Bachillerato students from leaving school during break time. This is an issue which Bachillerato students have clear opinions about.
On the one hand, if Bachillerato students leave the High School, even though it is just for half an hour, they might not return, or they could be unpunctual to a class. Besides, they might have an accident and the the center is in charge of them.
In addition, many students who are in Bachillerato are not eighteen years old, so it is more dangerous for them if they go out.
On the other hand, if students leave the High School during half an hour, it helps them to change the setting and they will not feel oppressed when they return to class. They can work harder.
Moreover, they will feel it as an example of being trusted.
Personally, I believe that if the students are responsible and punctual in their classes, the headmaster could allow them to leave the High School during break time.
Beatriz Gutiérrez Caneda
IES Nuestra Señora de la Victoria
1º Bachillerato B
Nowadays, Bachillerato students cannot leave the High School during break time because there is a new law that the Government has passed on that matter.
Two years ago, Bachillerato students could leave the High School, even if they were underage.
On the one hand, I think that this new law is correct because before it some students could have an accident during the break time and the High School could be accused of it. Besides, parents were not aware of their children's attitude.
On the other hand, Bachillerato students want to stay separate from Secondary students and feel freer. They think that leaving school is a way of showing their maturity.
In conclusion, it is important that students who are not eighteen years old are not allowed to leave the High School because if they have an accident, the center would have many problems. Moreover, we have to think that students are safer inside the High School.
Marisa Ramírez Fernández
IES Nuestra Señora de la Victoria
1º Bachillerato B
Bachillerato students want to leave the High School during break time to have more time without younger children and be free for a little time. But their parents and their teachers do not want this because it can bring problems to them.
On the one hand, Bachillerato students want to leave the High School during break time because this fact makes them feel responsible. They want to be without children younger than themselves.
On the other hand, their parents and their teachers do not want it because this would cause that Bachillerato students have an accident during this time and the responsible person would be the headmaster of the school.
In my opinion, if Bachillerato students show that they are responsible, they should be allowed to leave High School during break time.
Irene Albea Martínez
IES Nuestra Señora de la Victoria
1º Bachillerato B
If you want to give your opinion on this topic, write it and give it to your teachers of English, they will publish it here.
Lola Galán,
The English Corner
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